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Festal greetings to our loving Mataji on her Pragtya din (Birthday)

Festal greetings to our dear loving Mother, Mata, Pyari Maa. 

Today is our loving mataji's Pragtya din. It is a day of celebration and prayer. It is a day to thank the Almighty and our Guru for the grace and gift that Chetna mataji is for us all. True to her title 'Mata' she is a spiritual mother for all of us. She guides us, helps us and above all gives her unconditional motherly love and care to us. 

Chetna Mataji is an inspiration for many who are walking on path of self discovery. She started her spiritual sadhana in late 1990's and achieved the highest state of meditation in early 2000's. She took sanyasa and later in late 2000's ordained as 'Mahamandelashwar' in Juna Akhara. An accomplished shishya (disciple) of Mahayogi Pilot Babaji, she is since then tirelessly working towards achieving the goal of her master, 'The World Peace'. She along with her companion Shraddha Mataji has been a part and guide of many yajnas and seminars on world peace.

There is hope because we have leaders like our loving Mataji in this world. Let's pray to almighty to cast her choicest blessings and good health on our Mataji.

Let's also pray to our Chetna Mataji on her Pragtya din to bless us all. Oh mother most loving, pray for us.

Om Namo  Naryan 


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