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Mataji: A brief Introduction



In these times the modern individual is suffering from different sort of problems and most of them are related to the ‘Manostithi’ (state of mind) of such an individual. Individuals are getting entangled in the issues of their own creation. Our masters and scriptures have prescribed that the suffering in one’s life is not due to ‘Paristithi’ (Situations) but due to ‘Manostithi’ and thus to overcome this suffering we need to understand the great complex yet simple science of Mana, (Mind) and through it the high science of Aatma can be understood. Once an individual is able to understand this all the sufferings vanish from his life.

 One simple way is through Yoga and Meditation (Dhyana). If one follows this path and is able to get the ‘Anugrah’ (grace) of Master, one can succeed in one’s journey. One can attain the supreme stage in Dhyana and can become one with oneself. Such a person not only serves his/her purpose but that of the entire society.

Mataji with her Guru
Yog Chetna Mata is one such person who after years of Sadhna under guidance of her Guru and with his grace attained the supreme stage of Dhyana (Meditation). This stage is the supreme manifestation of our Jivatma. In this stage the Kundalini is awakened. To attain this stage many Rishis have spent their entire life doing rigorous Sadhna, but with the grace of a ‘Saksham Guru’ this stage can be attained just by following the instructions of the Master.

Mataji performing Abhisheka during Yagn

Mataji was born in a middle class family in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh near Mathura, which is also known as Brij Bhoomi and was brought up in Haryana.  She was named ‘Chetna’ on her birth. Her family (both maternal and paternal) was extremely religious and spiritual. Mata recalls that her childhood was spent in very spiritually charged environment. Her paternal grandfather was very regular in his daily japa and influenced Mata in a very positive way. Mata ji did her schooling and graduation from Haryana. She did her masters from Delhi University.

Mataji in Himalaya

Her maternal grandfather though a ‘Grihsta’ was Guru to many people. Lot of people used to visit him with their problems. Mataji for the first time then realized the sufferings people go through and this question related to the meaning of our life and existence became a constant one in her mind. Meanwhile her maternal uncle who was in search of a Guru met Swami Somnath Giri (Kapil Adwait).

Then the day come when Mataji met Babaji in 1995. Babaji in the very first beginning asked her- ‘What you would like to do?’ Mataji responded that she wants to work for society and thus want to become an officer. Babaji blessed her and said that “you go and study but if not as an officer you will be serving the society as a Sanyasi”. Mataji took diksha in the same year and she returned for her studies. Mata recalls that she continued her Sadhna as instructed by Babaji at her home without any break.

Shraddha Mata and Chetna Mata

Mataji then came to Nanitaal Ashram in 1998 and continued practicing Yog and Dhyana according to the instructions of her Guru. She along with her companion Shraddha Mata experienced many stages and different ‘anubhav’ related to Dhyana and after understanding the meaning of existence layer by layer she finally in year 2000 achieved the experience of Supreme Stage of Dhyana (Meditation). Since then she at multiple occasions as per the instruction of her Guru have displayed how to Dhyana in Public. She took Sanyasa in Ujjain Kumbh 2004.

Chetna Mataji along with her Spiritual companion Yog Shraddha Giri Mataji was given the padvi of Mahamandelashwar in Juna Akhara which is the largest Akhara of Dashnami Sanyasis in year 2007. They were the first female Mahamandelashwar in Juna Akhara.

Mataji performing Mahahuti in Yagn

She has been involved in many religious activities. The major being various Yajna like Das Mahavidya Yajna, Ashtalaxmi Yajna and various others. Through Sankalp and the grace of her Guru, she along with Shraddha Mataji have officiated various Yajna throughout the India. Mataji in her one of the major teachings always emphasize on the importance of Guru and says that without Guru there is no success in whatsoever the field maybe. Mataji is indeed a great gift to Humanity by her Master.


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