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Mataji on Covid19 (English)

Covid-19 2020
(a virus that has stopped the whole world)
Human life is the most beautiful creation of the God almighty. Man is the only being who has the ability to think, intelligence, consciousness, compassion, love, pity and above all  faith and devotion. He has the ability to identify right and wrong.

Man has gone far ahead on the road of development today. In this technological age, it has put a line of inventions. Man thinks that there is no one greater than him today. He feels that whatever is there is only due to human beings, but he has forgotten where the power is coming from. In this scientific age, he sees only his own miracles. But he has forgotten the power that makes these miracles a miracle and he is trapped in his own illusion. Man himself never knows what he will have to deal with in this life. 

Time is never constant and it keeps on changing. Time is a great force, it never remains the same. We have never witnessed the time that we are witnessing today, our forefathers our elders usually say that it was seen 100 years ago around 1918 when an epidemic spread. Crores of people lost their lives then. We were responsible then and we are responsible for the current epidemic.

In this age man is fighting with man. He will go to any length in order to defeat others. Today, in this modern era, the virus that we are facing, the whole world is in the grip of this pandemic and we have not found any solution yet. Today we have to think about who is suffering because of whom.

Some people and some human tendencies consider themselves very powerful. Such forces think that they have taken control of the entire universe. No one has discovered more than them. Such people think they can abuse their powers as they want. They think they are the almighty. But the one you are searching for, the one who created you, the almighty God at the appropriate time corrects his creation through various methods and brings this world on the correct path.

Thus nature takes the test of humans again and again. Nature alerts us that, arise and awake, don't be ignorant and do the right thing otherwise many will suffer. We always need to keep in mind that the entire kingdom of Lanka had to pay for the misdeeds and wrongs of Ravana.

We can see such an act of Nature in present times as we go out and stand on our balconies. We can feel that something is different, something has changed , something candid! something sweet! Everything has become stable, something has happened somewhere, something bad has happened, but nature has fully recovered itself. Today, the whole universe has become pure, it has a different vibe in the environment. Birds are breathing in the open air today, the trees are waving, the rivers have cleansed their water. The air has purified itself. 

Nature has shown a new way to all of us, a way to live as we are supposed to. Nature has been completely cleansed and sanitized. Today we are sitting in our homes scared because there is a fear of death outside, no one knows when and who will have to suffer, but this one virus has given everyone an opportunity to understand and be with their values, their bad and good habits, relationships, the art of living life in a pure way, the importance of each other, the importance and limitations of money, the result of our wrong habits, has made everyone think as to where this life is heading. Your simple life has forced you to adopt the same lifestyle as you lived years ago.

All this arrangement of nature is a sign to us. It is alerting us, reminding us of something. It is speaking to us that we have a very important aspect of our human lives which we call spirituality! Our contemplation which revolved around the deep existential questions and guided us in our journey is lost. We have forgotten it. Now it's time to behold that. Be careful, nature is giving you an opportunity, it is not necessary that nature will give you this opportunity again and again.

Human life is tested at every moment. In every era, you must have seen how a human has to give his test, whenever the mother earth is tortured, man puts the life of another man at risk because of himself. Demoniac tendencies are growing, there is a danger to mankind. God gives some such chakravyuh from which humans can learn lessons and understand where mistakes are happening because if that lesson is not learned, how earth will survive, whatever divine powers are left will also be destroyed, so we have to make our earth charged with positive divine energy once again. To save divine energy, one has to be tempted in every age. Whenever nature tells us something or gives us something, we have to lose something, but it saves the rest of our lives, which protects our generations for thousands of years.

Therefore believe in that ultimate power. Believe in your karma, believe in your resolve and with your resolve do your karma and give it a new and right direction. Our India is great! India has always given the message of its greatness and unity in difficult times to the whole world, it has given a new direction. We come under our saskaras somewhere. Good sanskars always accompany us, even if humans go astray, this sanskar helps them in showing the right path. Good values ​​never lead humans to cause harm to another.

God always supports those actions which are rooted in the feeling of benevolence and public welfare, it is a different matter that sometimes he puts in trouble which is difficult to get out of but it is God who helps us to deal with such problems. Human life is a laboratory in which some experiments are going on. If no events are there in life, then how will this cycle of life be completed! Do not panic! Just go on your way, carry on with good values, keep walking with your search and strong resolve with love and with your restraint. Keep your self-confidence and faith with you. All this as a blessing will protect you from all the difficult circumstances.

Life will continue. The world has to go on, you just have to go on your journey, the cycle of human life is never going to stop. If you find the right way to travel, then this life journey is easy if you know what to do in this life journey. What is the need of the good Sanskaras, then the journey will be easy or else this life will pass in suffering.

It is the human who creates and it is the human who causes its destruction. Origin and destruction are part of the law of the universe. If there is destruction, there must be origin (new beginning). Just the earth wants to heal itself with positive energy. Man is rich in his karma, if his self-control, his determination, his karma moves in a good and right direction, then we can preserve our creation. It is up to us. That ultimate power is always with you, your faith is very important. Just change your mind, give it a positive direction instead of a negative one.

Om Guruve Namah!


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